Wednesday, July 23, 2014

A Splash of Family

I lived like a king these past few days! Not really, but when mom and grandma come to town, I can afford to order the steak at dinner. And by afford it, I mean beg them to pay for me and remind them how I'm their favorite son/grandchild.

Their time here went by so quickly however. It seemed like once the jetlag had finally wore off, they were on their way to board the plane home. We tried to fit as much as we could in a short amount of time though. Dinner, museums, shows, tours, and of course, gelato filled our days together.

Yesterday, as the sun set over the Arno river, we paused to cherish our last moments. We were quiet most of the time, and I can't speak for my family, but I was thinking about how much my life is changing right now. I stand on the threshold of independence, a step away from actually being an adult. It struck me to think that last summer may be the last time I ever live in Thurston again. I know, everyone deals with this and it may sound childish, but I'm consistently surprised at the fact that I'm forced to grow up.

The nights with friends are still a joy and classes are beginning to come to a close. I've been doing my best to write letters and make gifts for those who have impacted me here and back home. Days together have turned from "let's grab dinner" to "let's make sure to say goodbye before I leave".

I have a mentor named Angela and she told me that throughout this experience I should not necessarily strive for authentic moments, but rather cherish them when they happen. To live in the now. I've done my best to hold the space and simply listen more, a trait that isn't my strength. I've heard some amazing stories and definitely broke down walls with others. Specifically, I've become close with a small group from UCLA, whom I unfortunately have to say goodbye to this evening.

"A sense of humor is just common sense, dancing."

It's interesting how time moves on regardless of who you're with or what you're doing.

Soon I will leave for Paris to embark on my next adventure.

With love,


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for showing us "your" was a wonderful and special time, to be remembered forever!! Did you notice we always chose the same flavor of gelato?? Enjoy the rest of your time and trip!
    Love ya forever!!
