6 weeks in a flash. A blink of an eye and it's no longer the present, rather a memory. It's goodbye to all of those with whom I've shared classes, dinners, and laughter with over the past month and a half. And the sobering fact is that, for many, it may be a permanent goodbye. This makes most of us sad, obviously, but I'm a firm believer in the fact that God moves people in, and out, of each other's lives for a purpose. We grow and learn from each new interaction, little things that build us. That's what gives me comfort in the goodbyes.
Last night, we went out as a group for the last time. It was quite the organized fiasco. From shuttles not working, to people running away, to a hour and a half walk home, it was a fitting end with my disfunctional study abroad family. What I'll cherish is that on our walk home, we realized that the sky was beginning to change. Looking at the time which read 5am, we thought that the sun was soon to rise. Myself, Andrew, and Nona decided to sit on the Ponte Vecchio, feet dangling over the water of the Arno river, and watch the sun rise over this city that we've come to call home.
Life is made up of those little moments. Things you can't buy, things you can't see. Fleeting moments that we can miss easily if we don't cherish them when they happen.
I received a snapchat from OASC camp with Angela quoting me in front of the campers. Then, they all said in unison, "Thank you Rhett".
Little moments like that are what mean the most.
With love,
Great post Rhett! And a lovely picture!